Thursday, December 10, 2009

Update 12/10

Lou completed the chemo today - with the added Oxaliplatin - without any complications! The Dr. also added an additional mixture of calcium and magnesium - a 30 minute drip - both before and after Lou receives the infusion of the Oxaliplatin. This adds another hour to the already LONG chemo lab time - but, it is hoped that by him receiving the calcium / magnesium combo - it will help to lessen some of the negative side effects of the Oxaliplatin! So....if it works - that would be a real blessing! Lou did say that he already is feeling the "tingling" in his fingertips and toes - hoping with added supplements and the Reiki and reflexology massages - we can keep this from becoming too big of an issue!

We also visited with the radiation oncologist after the chemo. He explained a little more about some of the complications of doing anything else for the liver right now - especially in respect to radiation! I think Lou and I both felt a little better or at least a little more assured that what's being done right now is probably the best we can hope for! And, he also confirmed again that both tumors in Lou's brain look really good - Not active! - and nothing new showing up! So....this is a good thing! After the MRIs on Lou's spine on Monday 12/14 - he'll call us probably the 16th or 17th to let us know the results. However, we all seem to think that these will be clear with no additional problems!

Right now, it's really all about the liver! The blood numbers had increased another 50 % just in the last 2 weeks! And, as they told us yesterday - the tumors had grown "significantly" since the last CT scan a month ago - and now instead of only 2 of the tumors growing - MANY were growing and in both lobes of the liver! The hopes and prayers now have to be that the Oxaliplatin will be able to bring them back down again!

Lou has lost more weight - so, I'm having to redouble the efforts to get him to eat! It's a day by day meal by meal ordeal!!! Wish I could share the weight I've found since the cancer was diagnosed last November!

Thanks again for continued prayers! We are so very thankful for all of you!



  1. My prayers are with you every day and every night. May the Lord Bless you and stop those liver tumors from growing.


  2. John, you are a blessing to me and to Lou! Thank you so very much for your love, prayers and concern!
