Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Good News Update

Chemo was exhausting yesterday - leaving the house at 8:30 and getting back home at 6:30!! HOWEVER, we were also both lifted and relieved because the cancer marker in the blood had dropped by almost 200 points in 2 weeks! We still have almost 800 points to go to be where that marker needs to be - BUT...this is the first time since September that the number has gone down! So, the oxaliplatin is doing it's work again! The Dr. also indicated that Lou shouldn't be as sick this time after the infusion yesterday - and thus far, he's correct! Still need to work on Lou's eating! He lost another 4 lbs in the last 2 weeks! But, am hoping if he's feeling better, maybe he'll also eat better!!! We are so very thankful and looking forward to a merrier Christmas and New Year celebration!

Just wanted to share the good news and once again thank all of you for your prayers, love, and support! We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas in this season of holiness and hope!



  1. Lou, Best wishes, hopes and prayers to you and Deb and your family for the New Year. Candice and I think of you often.

    Deb, thank you so much for these updates. We deeply appreciate your time and thoughtfulness.

    Bob & Candice

  2. Dear Bob and Candice,

    I didn't know you guys were following the "battle" we're fighting - so very happy and thankful to have your support and your prayers! Thank you for the wonderful note - will pass your wishes on to Lou too!

    Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and many wishes to all of you for a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2010!!

