Monday, April 27, 2009

Latest News

Lou continues to do well - getting stronger and moving around better and better all the time! Last week, Lou's brother Ron and his wife Jane and son Ronald came to visit us from Florida. What a wonderful time we had together. It had been several years since our last meeting - so, a visit was long overdue! We're hoping for a repeat visit in the near future! It was really great being together - looking at old family pictures - reminiscing about the "good old days" and laughing while telling stories!

On Thursday evening, Lou and I attended a Service of Healing at our church hosted by the group that comes to our home every Saturday - Healing Hands. It was a beautiful service and as always was a very emotional event for us. We are so thankful for this group and for their prayers! It's a huge blessing for both of us.

Saturday morning, we attended a meeting at Gilda's Club (named after Gilda Radner) where they were discussing Complementary / Alternative Medicine (CAM) and/or Integrative Medicine for cancer patients. I have been very interested in this additional resource for helping to treat cancer but, in the Dallas area, there doesn't seem to be too much available! (Other than at Whole Foods and Genevieve who has helped me immensely with Mom and Dad and now with Lou!) We found the discussion and information to be quite informative and helpful - unfortunately, this group was from Tulsa and they all work at Cancer Treatment Centers of America! the 3 hours we were there, they discussed many ideas / complementary nutrition and supplements that we both think will be beneficial for moving forward.

This Thursday will hopefully be the last "heavy" dose chemo for Lou for a while! From our understanding, he'll continue to get 3 of the chemo drugs he's been receiving every other week - but...the really heavy duty one with the worst side effects (neuropathy in his hands and feet as well as jaw!) - might be taken away for a while! During the time he isn't on this drug, the neuropathy will hopefully improve, his hair will grow back!, and he'll have more stamina! All good things! But, as I mentioned previously, this is also considered the first line choice drug for the liver tumors! So.....he'll have to be monitored closely!

We both appreciate your continued prayers, love, and support! We would be very thankful if you would continue to pray for the drugs to zap / kill the cancer in all areas of his body - while the healthy parts are being protected! And, we pray and hope you will too - for the next scans on May 6 and May 7 to show dying / dead tumors in his brain, his spine, his liver, and on the one adrenal gland. It's also a huge prayer that no new tumors or areas for concern will have appeared since the last scans. The other cancer that he has in the spinal cord fluid and lining of the brain have thus far not caused any problems and we hope that they won't! If there's still nothing there - this will be another huge blessing and miracle!

Saying "thank you" to all of you for your prayers seems so insignificant for what they have meant to us! We can never say "thank you" enough to all of you for the unwavering support and love that we feel each and every day! Our prayers for all of you and our gratitude to you are abundant!

Blessings to each of you!

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