Monday, June 8, 2009

Mixed Blessings

The trip to Vegas was great - Lou had a good time, was able to visit with many friends and had a scooter and was the "speed demon" of the hotel I think at times! But....was very good to be out of the house and away from everything here for a couple of days!

After my last update - we did go to visit with Lou's radiation Dr. concerning the latest MRI findings. While, of course, we want to hear that they're all gone, etc. - the news was all good - just not quite the complete wish list that we have for Lou!!! :) The larger brain tumor is definitely smaller - and hopefully will continue to shrink in MRIs down the road. The smaller brain tumor is considered to be stable - it is still about the same size it was BEFORE radiation - hasn't grown - so....that's good. The spine tumors are all considered stable too - no larger - but difficult to determine evidently if they're actually dead or just sitting there! least NOT larger! AND...the best news - nothing new is showing up! Overall - definitely a very good report! AND...Lou continues to get a little stronger all the time and is feeling good - so....we're just very thankful and happy for his continued progress! And....we know it's because of all the prayers from all of you - otherwise just wouldn't be possible for the good news we're getting at this point!

Lou had chemo on Tuesday after we returned from Vegas on Monday night! It all went well - order to get back on his regular schedule - he has to have chemo again this Thursday, June 12. So, we'll be heading down again on Thursday for another round!

In the meantime, our very sad news is that my Mom very unexpectedly passed away yesterday - Sunday - morning. Many of you know that she had a debilitating stroke Thanksgiving Day 2007 and has had some very difficult times since then. However, she had a really good week last week - Lou and I visited with her for quite a while on Friday afternoon and I was there with her again on Saturday afternoon. She talked a little with Lou on Friday and of course, talked with me too both days. But, she had some kind of "event" when the caregiver was getting her dressed and out of bed yesterday morning- she became non responsive and never regained consciousness. She passed very quickly and quietly - and fortunately, even though she wasn't awake to know I was there and her heart and respiration were quite low - I was with her when she died. I'm thankful for her peaceful passing - but...will miss her very much and am quite sad that she's no longer here! However, I did picture her yesterday in heaven with Jesus, her beloved sister Opal, her Mom (my sweetest Grandma!), meeting her Dad (he died when she was 2 years old!), and a host of other family and friends that she had loved here on earth. I'm sure they were all there with open and welcoming arms and Mom's infirmed body was no longer infirmed - she was free at last! Praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy on all of us!

Blessings to all of you!