Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update on 2/18 Chemo

So happy to report that Lou is doing VERY WELL!! The chemo treatment last Wednesday was long and tiring - but....again, Lou came through it and the 96 hours since with very limited bad side effects! The worst problem for him is the neuropathy in his hands and feet and sensitivity to cold "things" - touching or eating anything cold and/or being in the cold. One of the chemo drugs causes this sensation - and up to now, it's been bothersome only for a couple of days after chemo, but it is a "cumulative" problem and usually tends to get worse as the treatments continue. And, it seems this will also be a problem for Lou, but we're adapting as needed to keep him comfortable and to make sure he has limited "exposure"!

We are so very thankful because Lou's appetite is remaining strong most of the time and that is also helping him to get stronger! He is able to stand up from his chair easily by himself and he and Chris are working with the walker as of this weekend to see if he can get his stamina up to start trying to take some steps! It's looking quite promising! And, this week, he'll begin going to therapy OT and PT twice a week! So, hopefully, he'll be progressing even more quickly with some additional professional help!

Dr. McCollum (the chemo Dr!) was very pleased with all of the progress! So, for now, he's keeping the same chemo regiment for Lou in the hopes that it will continue helping him! He'll schedule tests - MRI and CT scans - in about 5 - 6 weeks to see if the outward progress we're seeing is also being reflected on all of the various tumors / cancer in Lou's body. Of course, we are very hopeful for that to be the case and of course, it is our prayer that the Lord will rebuke the cancers and restore health to Lou.

Thank all of you for your prayers, cares, notes, calls, etc. Now that Lou is stronger, he really enjoys chatting with friends! So, if you have some time and can call - please do! His cell # is 972/839-8271! And, of course, he still enjoys notes too! I print all notes sent via e-mail and he has those and cards / notes via USPS by his chair in the den. He rereads them often and is so humbled by the outpouring of love! Slowly, he is also "warming up" to more people coming to visit. He was so very sick just a couple of weeks ago and he had lost so much weight that he wasn't up to company and/or embarrassed because of his weight loss. But...slowly, it seems that he's going to be able to gain some weight back and he's definitely feeling a lot better right now!

Will update later in the week! Thanks again for your continued prayers and support! We couldn't make it daily without the love and support we're feeling every day!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chemo on Wednesday, Feb 18

Just a short update to let you know that Lou has continued to improve and get stronger! He is able to push up from his wheelchair and his easy chair to a standing position BY HIMSELF! He can take a few tentative steps - but, he's afraid to do too much because his leg is still very weak and feels like it could buckle at any point. After a fall in early December and a huge gash on his head from hitting the nightstand - he's not anxious for a repeat performance! His OT and PT workout on Monday went extremely well and he was able to do many more of the exercises and perform many more tasks this week than last week! The therapists were quite pleased with his progress. one can be happier than Lou (and me!)! And, we both give all the credit to God and the prayers we receive from so many of you! We cannot thank you enough!

Tomorrow - Wednesday the 18th - Lou will have his third chemo. This is always a high stress time for him because of the really horrible seizure he had the first time (NOT from Chemo but from the larger brain tumor and pressure in his brain!) and also because he always dreads having to have the wear home fanny pack and pump that he has to wear for 48 hours after the chemo at the hospital. And, we both are concerned about the negative side effects - especially from the one chemo drug he needs to have to best fight the liver cancer in particular. This drug causes neruopathy of the hands and feet and obviously does have a negative effect on nerves. After the first Chemo - this drug is the one that basically "wiped out" Lou's right side to become flaccid again! But....before the second chemo - our "healing hands" group that is praying for Lou - prayed specifically for the chemo drugs to kill the cancer and work against the cancer but to NOT harm the healthy parts of Lou's body. AND....that's exactly what happened! Lou and I KNOW that this was answered prayer! We pray for the same outcome tomorrow! And, we ask all of you to consider praying not only for the drugs to again work that way but, to also pray for Dr. McCollum (the chemo oncologist) and Teddie (our chemo nurse) to have divine guidance in determining and administering the chemo drugs for Lou tomorrow.

We are both so extremely humbled by the prayers, calls, e-mails, notes, visits, etc. from so many of you! It's impossible for us to express our gratitude for the outpouring of love we've felt from all of you and the strength it gives us to continue in this struggle! Thanks from the bottom of our hearts! Will update again hopefully this weekend!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Good Week!!!

Sorry I didn't get another posting up sooner - usual - it just seems there aren't enough hours in a day and of course, Lou and my job have to be the priorities!!! But....will start again by saying thank you to all of you for your notes, calls, thoughts, cares, and most of all prayers! I think this last week has had an abundance of answered prayers and overall - we've had the best 7 - 10 days since all of this started!

Lou completed the last radiation on his spine on Friday, January 30. When we were walking (me walking - Lou in his wheelchair!) out of the hospital that day - we wanted to sing Hallelujah!!! We both felt like we were being released or that a huge weight had been lifted from us - it was exciting and we were both almost giddy! That same day, he started a big turn around on having an appetite again (first time in WEEKS literally!!!) and also began having a little movement in his right hand and lower right arm. Over the weekend, his appetite continued to improve and the movement in his right arm continued too! The group from our church - Healing Hands - came again Saturday, Jan 31 and prayed for Lou - and again - it was an extremely powerful and uplifting experience for both of us!

On Wednesday, Feb 4, Lou went for a Physical Therapy evaluation and things went quite well! They were able to show him several ways to help strengthen parts of his body to enable him to help us in getting him into and out of bed as well as with transfers to and from his wheelchair. These are also exercises that will hopefully eventually help him relearn how to control his right arm and leg. He will begin going twice a week for PT and probably twice a week for OT (occupational therapy) soon! He'll go for the OT evaluation this week and have at least one PT seesion this week.

On Thursday, Feb 5, he had his second full chemotherapy treatment. However, this time, we were very blessed to have a private room for Lou to have a bed to be more comfortable for the 4- 5 hour bags of chemo infusion! And, we are so very blessed to have a wonderful chemo nurse - Teddie -she is so kind, patient, and nurturing - we really love her and are so happy that we are able to have her each session! This time, the 3rd drug for the chemo infusion was added, so, he had all 3 drugs that they hope will help shrink and in some instances "kill" the tumors and cancer cells running around in his body! And, he came home again with the one drug in a pump that he has to wear for 48 hours while the drug is infused. Lou HATES the pump because he is always VERY nervous about the tubing getting caught on something and it pulling out from his chemo port! But...I always take extra precaution with the clothing he wears to insure that the tubing is covered and not really out where it could get caught on anything AND Teddie (our nurse) always puts extra tape on the tubing on his chest because she knows how scared he is of this becoming a problem! Fortunately - for the second time though - NO problems! So....hopefully, this will become less of an issue with Lou as we continue this particular drug!! It was a very long day - we arrived for the lab and Dr. appointment at 10 a.m. - and didn't leave until 6 that evening! issues that day AND more importantly - no issues since then! Lou didn't seem to have ANY negative side effects this time! Two weeks before when he had the chemo infusion - it weakened him so much that he lost the feeling / mobility totally again of his right arm and leg - however, this time - it seemed to have NO effect at all! And, the momentum that Lou carried into this session (from eating more and also gaining strength with his arm and also with his leg later in the week!) - wasn't weakened at all! PTL!! (Also as an aside - Lou's hair is thinning quite a bit because of one of the chemo drugs! It's not supposed to cause complete hair loss - but...thinning! And...that is definitely the case! )

Lou has continued to do the exercises from the PT session last week, he has continued to eat more, and his right arm has strengthened and become more useful. It's still very weak - but....he can do some functions with his arm and hand now - so, this is HUGE! And, best of all, over the weekend - his right foot and right leg has begun to strengthen! It also is still quite weak - he cannot stand by himself - but...with help from Chris or me - we help him stand and while we hold him, he is able to "shuffle" a little with his right leg! Needless to say - this is very exciting to all of us and we're extremely hopeful this will continue to improve and at some point, Lou will be able to be at least somewhat mobile on his own! Losing his independence has actually I think been harder for him than the terminal cancer diagnosis! So, prayers for him to continue getting more mobility back would be great!

Of course, we are hopeful too with the mobility starting to improve that this means the SRS - Radiation Surgery - done on the brain tumors on Jan 13 - was successful. The larger tumor (causing this paralysis on his right side!) was worrisome because of the large size and also because of the spread of the cancer after the tumor was drained in December. Therefore, we are very hopeful it is ALL gone and that the resulting shrinking of the tumor from being radiated has allowed Lou's brain to not be so constricted in the left frontal area! However, no CT scans or MRIs are scheduled to be done for another 6 - 8 weeks and until he has completed some additional chemo treatments. So, until then, we won't know how effective the Radiation Surgery was on the brain tumors and we won't know how well the drugs are working on the tumors in his liver, his adrenal gland, and on his spine! We're of course, praying for the best - but...for now, we can only go by the way he's feeling - and right now - he's feeling better and stronger than he's been in a long while! We're VERY thankful and truly attribute the turn around to all the prayers from our friends all over the world. God has been very gracious and good to us.

Sleep is still a bit elusive - but...even that seems to be improving in the last couple of nights! Normally, Lou is awake and needing something literally every 30 - 90 minutes all night long! Obviously, it makes for a very LONG and not a very restful night for either of us! However, in the last couple of nights, he's managed to only be up 3 - 4 times! We are hopeful that with the improvements in the other areas - this one will improve also!!! What a gift to both of us if we had a little more rest!!!

A big thank you to all of you who have sent cards, notes, and e-mails, they have meant so much to Lou! He and I have been humbled with the outpouring of affection and kindness from so many people! Some of you may know - others not - but...Sunday - Feb 15, is Lou's 65th birthday. I had hoped (before this all came happened!) to have a big celebration for him on this milestone birthday! And, I had still entertained trying to have a smaller / shorter celebration this Sunday, however, due to his extreme weight loss (he is embarrassed and really hesitates for anyone to see him because of the way he looks!) and being so very tired - we will only have a small celebration! But....if you would like to send a card or note - please do - he really appreciates looking and rereading the notes and cards he's received thus far! If he continues feeling better, eat more, and becomes a little more mobile - I'll try for a belated B-day celebration as well as a celebration of life in a month or two!

Thanks again to all of you for you continued prayers and support! I don't know how people get through things like this without faith, friends, and family! We truly feel the support and strength coming our way from all of you! There are no words to express the gratitude we feel. We hold all of you up in our prayers every day!

